Data science portfolio by Fernandes Macedo Ribeiro

This portfolio is a compilation of notebooks which I created for data analysis or for exploration of machine learning algorithms. A separate category is for separate projects.

Recommendation system

In this study, I analyzed the relationship between the neighborhoods of New York City to find insights. So now, we can answer the questions asked above in the Business Understand section of the notebook. For our analysis the answers to the above questions are:

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Classification problems

Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster

Github Colab

Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster is a knowledge competition on Kaggle. Many people started practicing in machine learning with this competition, so did I. This is a binary classification problem: based on information about Titanic passengers we predict whether they survived or not. General description and data are available on Kaggle. Titanic dataset provides interesting opportunities for feature engineering.


IBM Data Science Professional Certificate - Coursera - Certificate - Github

IBM Machine Learning Professional Certificate - Coursera - Certificate

IBM Data Analyst Professional Certificate - Coursera - Certificate

Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate - Coursera - Certificate

Qualification and Enrichment Activities

[01.01] - Bertelsmann Data Science Challenge Scholarship - Udacity - Challenge

[02.01] - Python Fundamentos para Análise de Dados - Data Science Academy - Certificate

[03.01] - Machine Learning e Data Science com Python de A à Z - Udemy - Certificate

[04.01] - Desenvolvedor Fullstack Python - Digital Inovation One - Certificate

[05.01] - Machine Learning - Coursera - Certificate
[05.02] - Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform Specialization - Coursera - Certificate
[05.02] - Build a Data Science Web App with Streamlit and Python - Coursera - Certificate - Github
[05.03] - Applied Data Science with Python Specialization - Coursera - Certificate
[05.04] - IBM Data Science Professional Certificate - Coursera - Certificate - Github
[05.05] - Python for Everybody Specialization - Coursera - Certificate
[05.06] - Practical Time Series Analysis - Coursera - Certificate
[05.06] - IBM Machine Learning Professional Certificate - Coursera - Certificate
[05.07] - IBM Data Analyst Professional Certificate - Coursera - Certificate
[05.08] - Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate - Coursera - Certificate
[05.09] - Google IT Automation with Python - Coursera - Certificate
[05.10] - Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps) - Coursera - Certificate
[05.11] - Machine Learning Specialization - Coursera - Certificate

[06.01] - Python for Data Science - - Certificate
[06.02] - Data Analysis with Python - - Certificate
[06.03] - Data Visualization with Python - - Certificate
[06.04] - Machine Learning with Python - - Certificate
[06.05] - Spark Fundamentals I - - Certificate
[06.06] - Spark Fundamentals II - - Certificate
[06.07] - Deep Learning Fundamentals - - Certificate
[06.08] - Deep Learning with TensorFlow - - Certificate
[06.09] - Accelerating Deep Learning with GPU - - Certificate

[07.01] - Bootcamp - Analista de Machine Learning - IGTI - Certificate - Github
[07.02] - Bootcamp - Cientista de Dados - IGTI - Certificate - Github
[07.03] - Bootcamp - Engenharia de Dados - IGTI - Certificate - Github

[08.01] - Data Analysis with Python: Zero to Pandas - - Certificate - Github

[09.01] - Python para Processamento de Linguagem Natural - USP - ICM - Certificate - Github